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Sat, Oct 06, 18.

Why do Christians not Offer Burnt Offerings?


If the Lord enjoyed burnt offerings, why don’t we/people do them anymore?


As Christians, those belonging to Christ, we don’t offer burnt offerings because our Temple is in Heaven. For those who are not in Christ, they can still offer burnt offerings to God, if and when there is a temple and altar in Jerusalem.

Our Temple is in Heaven

First, burnt offerings to the Lord are not to be offered any and everywhere but in the Temple, in the place God chooses.

But you are to seek the place Yahweh your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go; there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, what you have vowed to give and your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks. [Deu 12:5-6]

Now, the Temple of the Church is in heaven [Heb 9:11,24], therefore, even if we were to offer them, we would have to go to heaven to do so. Now, of course, we don’t presently have direct access to heaven, so there is no possibility of offering such a sacrifice.

Animal Sacrifices don’t meet the Standard of our Temple in Heaven

Secondly, even if we had access to heaven as we will soon have, we still will not offer animal sacrifices there because such sacrifices are not good enough for the Temple in heaven [Heb 9:23].

Such sacrifices were good enough for the earthly Tabernacle and Temple and so they could and were offered.

By the standard of heaven, animal sacrifices would be not clean.

A brief History of Sacrifices and Temples

  1. The first temple/tabernacle was Eden, it was earthly and so animals could be offered there as Abel did.
    After it was destroyed in the flood, men had no tabernacle, neither on earth nor in heaven, therefore, they offered animal sacrifices anywhere. Noah did so and Abraham too, for example.
  2. Once the Temple of the Law was chosen, Israel, and, indeed, all men, were only to offer sacrifices to God there. And because the Temple was earthly, animal sacrifices were valid and commanded.
  3. For us, the church, the people of Christ, we are not under the Law but are under the New Covenant and our temple is in heaven. The sacrifices this Temple requires are not animal sacrifices, therefore, we have no business offering animal sacrifices.

The Sacrifices we Offer

Nevertheless, we still offer sacrifices. These sacrifices include our bodies as “living sacrifices” [Rom 12:1], the fruit of our lips [Heb 13:15]. Our sufferings for Christ are also sacrifices to God (PS: not self-inflicted sufferings or normal human hardships but those arising from doing the will of God). Every true martyr, Jesus being the chief, is a sacrifice to God.

Others can still Offer Burnt Offerings

In this matter, as with many others, we must be careful here not to fall into the common error of applying what is true only for those in Christ to all men. We must observe the distinctions that at present still exists between all men

the Jews… the Gentiles… the Church of God
[1Co 10:32].

Although for those in Christ, the Law has been abolished, it is not so with others, for them, the Law is still in force. Therefore, since they are not in Christ, and are presently not a part of the New Covenant, the offering of burnt offerings to God is still valid for them. However, they must meet the requirements laid out in scriptures.

Those outside Christ, can still offer burnt offerings to God if and when there is a temple in Jerusalem.